Spring Youth Outdoor 2025

Spring Youth Outdoor 2025



(Field Map)

Youth Academy Program (Birth Year 2021-2017) CLICK HERE

Individual for Team Placement (Birth Year 2016-2014) CLOSED

(If we are able to create a new team we will send another link to you with a fee attached)

Team Registration (Birth year 2018-2006)   CLOSED  

Key Dates:

Under 9 - High School: Team Registration Deadline:  February 16th, 2025

Team Deposit of $100 Due: February 16th, 2025                       

LCS League Mandatory Scheduling Meeting (U9-HS): Sunday, Feb 23 2025

LCS League Games Begin (U9-High School Boys):  March 22nd  

LCS League Games Begin (U7 - U8):  March 29th

LCS League Games Begin (U4-U6): March 29th or April 12th

*Balance of League fees Due by First Game            

High School Girls Play in the Fall / High School Boys Play in the Spring

LCS League Rules

League Age Brackets-----U9 through High School

League includes 8 games. Outdoor league coaches U9 - High School choose game dates at mandatory scheduling meeting on Sunday February 23.  Team is placed in an age division based on the birth year of the oldest player.







U19     Born in 2006

11 v  11




U18     Born in 2007

11 v  11




U17     Born in 2008

11 v 11




U16     Born in 2009

11 v 11




U15     Born in 2010

11 v 11




U14     Born in 2011

11 v 11




U13     Born in 2012

11 v 11




U12     Born in 2013

9 v 9




U11     Born in 2014

9 v 9




U10     Born in 2015

7 v 7




U9       Born in 2016

7 v 7




U7-U8 Division

The Under 7 and Under 8 league plays 4v4 and will have a certified referee who will also focus on education on the rules of the game as they make calls for out of bounds and fouls, etc.  League includes 8 games. Games for this age group will start Saturday March 29, 2025.


 U4-U6 Division

The Under 4 through Under 6 program plays 4v4 with a "New Ball" system.  In this system the game is controlled by the on-field coaches and they have the ability to introduce a new ball into the game at any point the ball in play goes out of the field.  This is designed to keep the players engaged in the game and constantly moving.  It also allows the coaches to get a child that may be a bit withdrawn involved in the activity. This league includes 6 games which begin March 29 or April 12th.

All players should wear appropriately sized shin guards with socks worn on the outside covering the whole shin guard.  Players are allowed to wear soccer cleats or tennis shoes to participate. 

In the event of inclement weather for the U4-U6 division, games may be moved indoors if space allows.  Any changes to the schedules or cancelations will be posted on the home page.

No player cards or MYSA rosters are needed for the U4-U8 League program .

Under 4 thru Under 8 Age Brackets                                       







Under 4     Born in 2021

    4 v 4    




Under 5     Born in 2020 

   4 v 4   




Under 6     Born in 2019

    4 v 4    




Under 7    Born in 2018 4 v 4 8 $475


Under 8    Born in 2017 4 v 4 8 $475


League Details:

1. League Fees:  All team league fees listed above must be paid in full prior to your first game.  LCS requires player cards for our Outdoor League from U9 to the High School divisions. Therefore, all teams U9 and above will need to present a USYS or US Club laminated player card, coach card and official roster to the referee at each league game. Roster size limits and age restrictions will be enforced. 

2. Scheduling Games:  A mandatory scheduling meeting will be held on Sunday Feb 23  to schedule all league games. If a representative from your team is not present, your schedule will be completed without you and no changes will be made after that date.  League games can begin on Saturday March 22  and are tentatively scheduled to conclude May 18. 

3. Reschedules: Once the Scheduling Meeting is completed and games are published, there will be a $50 charge to change a game date. New game dates must be agreed upon by both teams and then emailed to katie@lakecountrysoccer.

4. Scholarship Information:  Scholarships are available to those children who sign up as individuals who receive free or reduced school lunch but does not apply to any player playing or rostered on a team. To apply for a scholarship, please email a copy of your child's Free or Reduced Lunch letter from school to katie@lakecountrysoccer.org.

5. Practices: Please contact Alf Bilbao at alfb@lakecountrysoccer.org or call 417.862.3211 to schedule practices at any of the Lake Country fields/complexes.  

6. Pass Back Program:  LCS currently collects soccer cleats which we in turn pass on to those players who are under financial constraints. Please contact the LCS Office for assistance with this program.

Weather Policy

Severe weather can produce all types of scenarios ranging from extreme heat and high winds to heavy rain, lightning, thunder and/or tornadoes. If severe weather approaches the playing area, the safety of the players and fans is the number one priority of LCS.  Some weather conditions may require that the game be suspended while shelter is sought.

Lake Country Soccer utilizes a weather notification app to notify us of lightning in the area.  We will be notified when lightning is 20 miles away and again at 10 miles away.  In the event that the lightning is 10 miles away, we will immediately sound the air horn 1 time which will require the game to be suspended.  Everyone (players, coaches, families, fans) MUST clear the field immediately and move into their cars or other permanent shelter. When the weather notification app gives us the all clear, where no lightning has been detected in the area, we will sound the air horn 2 times.  Once this occurs, everyone can return to the field.   We appreciate everyone adhering to this policy.

*Any game has made it to halftime and the game is canceled or suspended due to weather, the score will stand and be recorded as such.  Any game that has not reached halftime will be replayed in full unless both coaches agree to the score at the moment the game was suspended.  

For more information please contact:

Katie Ellsworth

Program Director

